Galanthus alpinus

G. alpinus, synonym G. caucasicus grows in the Caucasus and Transcaucasus mountains and in the Pontus/ northeast Turkey, generally from 400-2200m (1). It flowers from February to May, growing to approximately 9-16cm (1, 2). Leaves grow to 13-23cm with a width of 0,6-2,5cm. G. alpinus has supervolute verniation. Two variants occur; var. bortkewitschianus and var. alpinus. Variant alpinus reproduces by seed, whereas variant bortkewitschianus is limited to vegetative propagation only.

It is uncommon in cultivation, where it flowers somewhat more early in January-March. The species should be hardy on the British Isles, Germany and the Benelux countries. Variant bortkewitschianus is the more frequently found variant.

  1.  Galanthus alpinus. Galanthus wild species. CITES Bulbs.
  2. Freda Cox. Gardener’s guide to snowdrops. Crowood 2013.
Last updated bySiopaos
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