Galanthus plicatus

Galanthus plicatus is well known in cultivation, and many cultivars exist. After G. nivalis and G. elwesii, it is probably the third most common cultivated snowdrop. Its natural range is relatively restricted, growing in the western and central part of the Black Sea coastal region including southern Russia, the Crimea, Romania and northern Turkey (1). Even in these areas it does not commonly grow. It grows are heights of 100 to 1350m. It likes to grow under deciduous trees, like many snowdrop species near streams and rivers in the shade. The species usually flowers from February to April in the wild, more autumn flowering plicatus are slowly being found. Flower scapes are usually 5-15cm long. It has plicate verniation, from which it derives its name. Leaves grow in size to between 8 and 21cm and are 0,6 to 2 cm broad.
Two varieties occur, known as subsp. plicatus and subsp. byzantinus The first subspecies has one green mark at the inner petal apex, the second has two green marks, at the base and the apex of the inner petal. Autumn-flowering plicatus have been known to occur, a well known one being variety ‘Three ships’, flowering before christmas. More early flowering plicatus are being found though. In cultivation, the species flowers from November-March.

  1. G. plicatus. Galanthus wild species. CITES Bulbs. 

Last updated bySiopaos
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